Confetti Chair

OSB, Ash, Fiber Rush.
Wood is a precious resource, and many species are in decline due to over-harvesting. The confetti chair attempts to begin a dialogue between a precious hardwood (Ash) and recycled materials originating from wood (OSB, Fiber Rush) in a form that celebrates them both. OSB, which is made by gluing and pressing offcuts from milling processes together, makes up the bulk of the material of the chair. Ash, which is know for its utilitarian strength, is used selectively as loose tenons and the seat rails which experience the greatest amount of force. The seat and backrest are weaved with fiber rush, which is a continuous twisted strand of tough recycled paper.
- Spray adhesive drawing of chair side onto OSB sheet.
- Create temple for the chair sides by cutting out the form from the drawing with router and band saw.
- Make two sides of the chair by securing the template to additional sheets of OSB and cut out with router.
- Make stretchers from offcuts of OBS using the table saw and crosscut to length.
- Make the seat rails out of Ash using the table saw and cross cut to length.
- Create mortises in chair sides, seat rails and stretchers to receive Ash loose tenons.
- Create Ash tenons by shaping them on the router table and cross cut to length.
- Prepare surfaces to receive finish.
- Finish Surfaces with clear coat, or white wax finish
- Glue Ash lose tenons into seat rails and stretchers.
- Assemble chair by gluing seat rails, stretchers and sides together.
- Begin to weave seat with fiber rush.
- Halfway through weaving add cardboard triangles between the rush for additional padding.
- Finish weaving by tying off fiber rush on bottom of the seat.
- Wrap the backrest with fiber rush.