Cement Earrings

Photo by Jen Leung

Cement, Gold Leaf, Paint, Findings

  1. Knead 100% silicone in a bath of water and dish detergent in order to catalize the silicone’s hardening process.
  2. Remove silicone from bath and partition into seperate pieces.
  3. Place a single shape to be cast into each silicone mold.
  4. Wait 2 hrs to harden and remave shape from silicone mold.
  5. Mix and pour cement into silicone mold.
  6. Remove earring piece and clean edges with sandpaper and file.
  7. Seal cement pieces.
  8. Apply gold leaf and paint as required.
  9. Glue findings on back to complete.
Silicone molds and cement pieces.
Photo by Jen Leung
Photo by Jen Leung